5 Reasons Nate & Jade Just Don't Make Sense in Ted Lasso Season 3

A female character is once again used for the growth of a male one.
If you thought the eight episodes of Ted Lasso's third and final season went by too quickly, you're not alone. Many of the storylines seemed to move too fast, as if the writers wanted them to get them over and done with as soon as possible.
A perfect example is the romantic subplot between Nate and Jade. Their relationship didn't develop until Episode 5 of the current season, and what's worse, this love arc doesn't seem to make any sense at all. Here are our five reasons why.
5. The relationship is progressing too quickly
As with Nate's redemption arc, it feels like the writers are just trying to wrap up all the storylines, and it all feels too forced and inconsistent.
Here's basically what happened in Season 3. Nate has his first interaction with Jade — he asks her out on a date — the two wake up in the same bed and discuss whether they now should label themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend. There's no extra dialogue and no time for fans to get attached to the new pairing.
4. Nate uses his power and puts too much pressure on Jade
Because this arc is pushed too hard and too fast, we get the feeling that Nate just got a hold of Jade instead of putting some time and effort into making a good impression and getting to know her better. Sure, all this development is implied between the lines, as Jade realizes that Nate is actually a humbler person. But this is just an example of lazy writing, fans say.
3. Nate still hasn't processed his traumas
Nate is still driven by his anxiety, afraid to acknowledge and reflect on his insecurities. Although Ted Lasso has an obvious therapeutic massage, we are still afraid for Jade!
2. There was too little motivation for Jade to show sympathy
Alright, she learned that Nate is not as arrogant as he tried to pretend and that he is actually a modest person who likes her restaurant (and the baklava) as it's his family's favorite place. But… is that enough motivation to start a relationship with someone?
1. Jade seems to be just a plot device for Nate's growth
Jade is yet another case of the writers' neglect of female characters, which is actually fans' major criticism for the show. The only thing we do know about Jade so far is that she helps Nate change for the better and allows him to redeem himself. It seems that she is nothing more than a catalyst for his redemption, and if he breaks up with her after his story comes to a close, it won't affect his arc or the overall plot at all.
Hopefully, this opinion of Jade as an underdeveloped character is premature, and the few remaining episodes of Ted Lasso will flesh out her character some more.
Episode 9 of Ted Lasso will be released on May 10.