5 Reasons Caroline Was, Surprisingly, the Best Vampire Diaries Character

5 Reasons Caroline Was, Surprisingly, the Best Vampire Diaries Character
Image credit: Legion-Media

Here's why fans adore Caroline Forbes.

Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries began with a major plot twist: Caroline Forbes was turned into a vampire. While this was a shocking move, it turned out to be one of the best creative decisions of the supernatural series, as it helped Caroline grow and become a fan favourite.

Let's explore why millions of fans consider Caroline the best Vampire Diaries character.

The Best Vampire

Caroline Forbes is hands down the best vampire on The CW show. Before her transformation, she was self-conscious and somewhat shallow, but she became confident, bubbly, and inspiring afterwards. It was impressive how well she handled being a freshly-minted vampire.

Caroline learned to control and harness her powers so quickly that many fans concluded she was always destined to be a vampire. Even without her humanity, Caroline never crossed the line and always kept her viciousness in check.

Fans believe that becoming a vampire allowed Caroline to grow into the person she always aspired to be.

Relatable Character

Even before she became a vampire, Caroline was one of the most relatable characters on the show, displaying realistic emotional reactions to the bizarre events in Mystic Falls that other characters seemed to dismiss too easily. That's why many viewers found Caroline to be the best guide to the supernatural world of The Vampire Diaries.

Positive Personality

Caroline is a favourite character for many fans because of her positive attitude. Despite facing various hardships, she never lost her optimism and love for those around her. Fans find Caroline comforting because she is a positive example of a character who can care for herself and others.

Always There to Help

Despite her troubles, Caroline has consistently been there for her friends, sometimes even risking her own life. Knowing one of his bites could be lethal, she helped Tyler through his first werewolf transformation.

Additionally, she stepped up as Stefan's 'sober buddy' to help him overcome his addiction to human blood. Caroline truly cared about her loved ones, and the fans appreciated it.

The Best Character Arc

Considering the above, fans feel that Caroline's growth has been the strongest on the show. Her motivations have always been true to who she is as a person and character. She experienced a great deal of pain and heartbreak, which ultimately made her a better person. Becoming a vampire only enhanced that. For many viewers, Caroline became one of the reasons to watch The Vampire Diaries.