
5 Most Useless Professors at Hogwarts (And Why They Should Be Fired)

5 Most Useless Professors at Hogwarts (And Why They Should Be Fired)
Image credit: Legion-Media

In the magical world of Harry Potter, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is renowned for its exceptional faculty, who have dedicated their lives to educating young witches and wizards.

Unfortunately, not all professors at Hogwarts are created equal. Some have been known to be downright useless, providing little value to the student's education or even hindering their progress.

Here is a list of the five most useless professors at Hogwarts and why they should probably be fired.

Madam Hooch

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Honestly, Madam Hooch is more of a school coach than an actual teacher. She may oversee the school's Quidditch tournaments, but when it comes to teaching flying classes, she lacks the necessary skills and responsibility to teach the students how to fly safely.

As a result of her not taking appropriate safety measures, Neville ended up breaking his arm during his first flying class. Compared to other Hogwarts professors, she is clearly not qualified for her position and poses an actual danger to her students.

Horace Slughorn

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Professor Slughorn may have been a fine potions master; however, he is too focused on grooming his favored students for their connections rather than their abilities. It's disturbing how he creates an exclusive, elitist environment in his classroom, which does not promote fairness and equal opportunities for all his students.

Hogwarts should likely replace him with a more inclusive teacher who can provide a fair and practical education to all students, not just those who are naturally gifted.

Sybill Trelawney

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As gentle as Professor Trelawney is, her place at Hogwarts may not be where she best belongs. Her lessons in Divination are often shown to be based on wild guesses and unreliable predictions, which serve no practical purpose. Moreover, her vague and irrelevant teaching style only wastes precious classroom time that could be used for more practical subjects.

Hermione even failed her class, and that's saying something.

Rubeus Hagrid

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As much as I hate to admit it, Hagrid was not a great example of teaching when he was promoted to professor of Care of Magical Creatures. Although passionate about his subject and his students, risking their safety with dangerous creatures (without proper training first) is very irresponsible.

While his heart is in the right place, he often overlooks safety protocols which could lead to accidents. Even the textbooks he assigned were dangerous.

Dolores Umbridge

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Of course, this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning the pink villain that is Dolores Umbridge. Although not even a qualified professor, she was hired by the Ministry of Magic to ensure Hogwarts was adhering to the Ministry's policies. Unfortunately, her teaching methods in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class lacked any practicality, and she relied solely on outdated textbooks to teach.

What's more, she seemed more interested in torturing her students than actually teaching them, which created a dangerous environment at the school. She is undoubtedly the worst professor that Hogwarts saw during Dumbeledore's time as headmaster.