5 Most Overrated Stranger Things Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hype

5 Most Overrated Stranger Things Characters Who Don't Deserve The Hype
Image credit: Netflix

We may have overhyped these characters.

Over the past few years, the Duffer Brothers have given the world what could arguably be described as one of the most definitive pop culture phenomena, Stranger Things. The show has struck a chord in a remarkably timely manner, capitalizing on everyone's nostalgia for bygone eras, particularly the 1980s. Neon, synth, heavy metal, D&D, arcade machines, and roller rinks: Stranger Things had all the ingredients to resonate with viewers on a deep emotional level.

An equally captivating component of the series, undoubtedly, is the talented ensemble cast, as each actor has delivered a stellar performance. However, fans of the series sometimes generate too much hype around some of the characters. Redditors have compiled a list of the most overrated Stranger Things characters.

5. Argyle

Argyle's appearance in the fourth season, during a road trip with Jonathan, was a clear nod to the iconic 1970s and 1980s stoners Cheech and Chong. Despite his somewhat amusing antics, fans believe he's hugely overrated, as the character himself is rather uninspiring and contributes little to the plot.

4. Steve

Don't get us wrong, Steve is a good guy and has undergone significant character development, evolving from the quintessential high school bully to a compassionate ally of the gang and a supporter of all of Robin's endeavors. However, many fans don't like the rich white kid getting so much attention.

3. Alexei

Dr. Alexei didn't get much screen time, yet some fans still can't move past his death. Yes, his fate was undeniably tragic, but the character's sole purpose was to showcase the allure of capitalism. Perhaps it's time to finally let him rest in peace!

2. Eddie

Portraying Eddie Munson, actor Joseph Quinn captivated fans with his radiance and charisma, so it was only natural that he got so many glowing reviews. However, many were disappointed that his friendship with Dustin detracted from the cherished chemistry between Dustin and Steve.

Eddie likely requires much more screen time to truly come into his own. It is our earnest hope that ST writers are reading this article and taking notes!

1. Billy

Similarly to Eddie, it's impossible to deny the talent of Dacre Montgomery, who plays Billy. He's shown us time and time again what it means to be genuinely charming and charismatic.

Unfortunately, the admiration for this character is incredibly problematic. His father's abuse does not excuse Billy's own abusive behavior, and the inappropriate attraction of adult women towards a 17-year-old proved a bridge too far for many viewers.

Source: Reddit.