5 Most Embarrassing Things Ross Did Throughout All 10 Seasons of Friends

He has to be the biggest failure of the show.
Over the course of Friends' ten-season run, Ross Geller has been in a lot of uncomfortable situations, mostly of his own making. He has done many reprehensible and cringe-worthy things – just take a moment to recall his teeth whitening or spray tanning misadventures. But some of them deserve special mention.
Here are five of the most embarrassing things Ross has done on the show.
Pretending to Have an Accent to Impress His Students
In Episode 4, Season 6, Ross receives an invitation to lecture on paleontology at a New York university, which he excitedly accepts. But when he arrives at the venue and sees a crowd of listeners, he gets nervous and puts on a fake and rather uncomfortable British accent. He's caught in the act by Rachel and Monica, who force him to confess, which he does later to the surprise of the audience, only to slip back into the act when Rachel confronts him about lying to her about getting an annulment in front of everyone.
Donning the Leather Pants
Desperate to impress women, Ross goes to great lengths on the show. But he takes it a step further when, in Episode 11, Season 5, he buys a pair of leather pants to wear on a date with his new acquaintance, Elizabeth Hornswoggle. To make a long story short, the garment turns out to be terribly uncomfortable to wear, and Ross has to take them off in the middle of the date to ease his pain, making a mess of himself trying to put them back on with the help of cosmetic powder.
Dancing on MTV Spring Break
In Episode 19, Season 6, Ross is dating his student, Elizabeth Stevens, which is already raising eyebrows. As spring break approaches, Elizabeth plans to go to Florida to join in the festivities. Ross, jealous and afraid that she might get carried away with other guys, decides to accompany her. As a result, both are featured on MTV's Spring Break, with Ross dancing moronically in the crowd of college students on a Florida beach.
Flirting with a Police Officer
In Episode 22 of Season 7, Ross and Rachel go for a ride in Monica's Porsche. Rachel is speeding and is pulled over by a police officer, with whom she successfully flirts to avoid getting a ticket for driving with an expired license. Ross is told to drive, but he drives so slowly that another officer pulls him over and gives him a ticket. In an attempt to avoid this, Ross tries Rachel's move and awkwardly flirts with the officer.
Flirting with the Pizza Delivery Girl
However, that wasn't the most cringe-worthy flirting attempt by Ross. In Episode 19, Season 5, he decides to follow Chandler's lead and flirt with the pizza delivery girl whom Chandler has complimented on her new hairstyle, which she thinks makes her look like an eight-year-old boy. And Ross can't think of a better way to do it than to say that he loves eight-year-old boys.