5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List)

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List)
Image credit: Netflix

The writers need to give these characters more screen time.

'I think it's more about missed potential than anything,' one Stranger Things fan said. At times, the Duffer Brothers failed to give some members of their diverse cast enough screen time to truly shine.

Sadly, this stands as one of the series' biggest flaws. Many characters found themselves either confined to peripheral roles or were seemingly forgotten by Season 4. Redditors have named the least developed Stranger Things characters and hope to see them properly developed in the forthcoming Season 5.

5. Robin

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List) - image 1

Robin was a standout addition in Season 3. Beyond complementing Steve beautifully, she offered significant representation, especially since there hadn't been any openly queer characters previously. But by Season 4, her characterisation leaned more towards being an extension of Nancy rather than an independent person. It's disappointing that the writers didn't afford her the same depth and emotional gravitas seen in other main characters.

4. Jonathan

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List) - image 2

Jonathan isn't boring by any stretch. He's reminiscent of the 1980s trope: the introverted protagonist with a rich inner life. His stellar taste in music and pairing with Nancy arguably make them the series' power couple. Yet, his role has diminished to that of a mere plot device sprinkled with occasional comic relief moments (good ones, too), making him less intriguing than the other characters.

3. Will

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List) - image 3

'He's a central character, but everything happens TO him, and everyone around him is trying to save him. When he's not in danger, he is just kind of there in the background,' another fan lamented.

Will shares an intrinsic bond with the Upside Down. His kinship with El, and notably his heartfelt dialogue and emotional admission to Mike in S4, were some of his standout moments. Yet, whenever the spotlight isn't on Will, other characters seem to eclipse him.

2. Eleven

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List) - image 4

El's journey is arguably the most transformative, transitioning from a lost and traumatised child to a formidable young woman who confidently charts her course and champions others. Yet, despite her evolution, she's often pigeonholed as either the sought-after prize (a MacGuffin) or the group's chief asset in confrontations.

1. Mike

5 Least Interesting Stranger Things Characters, According to Reddit (Yes, Eleven's On This List) - image 5

Surprisingly, the name cropping up most frequently on Reddit was Mike. As the gang's linchpin during the initial two seasons, Mike was always ready to defend them, and he was notably the first to extend genuine empathy towards El. Yet, in Season 3, his character seemed relegated to merely being Eleven's overbearing boyfriend. By Season 4, his presence felt almost inconsequential. He was just there.

Source: Reddit.