5 Key Spoilers for Our Flag Means Death Season 2 Episodes 4 & 5

The new episodes have proven therapeutic for the characters and us.
The second season of Our Flag Means Death is everything we could have dreamed of:
more comedy,
exciting new characters,
old ones getting plenty of development,
even more thoughtful and (relatively) healthy non-heterosexual love stories.
Episodes 4 and 5 were just as captivating as the first three, but there was a sense of foreboding about them like they were the calm before a huge storm. Let's examine the key moments from the latest batch of Our Flag Means Death episodes.
5. Ed Is Banished From The Revenge (and invited back)
Ed faced the entirely justified resentment of the Revenge crew, who unanimously voted for him to leave the ship permanently. He didn't argue and got off on the island, where he reconciled with Stede, who had followed him. Not only did the two realize that they both had acted impulsively and unhealthily, but Stede invited him back on board.
4. Introduction of Anne Bonny & Mary Read
Episode 4 introduced us to two new characters based on historical figures, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, retired pirates and old friends of Ed. Their unhealthy relationship mirrors that of Ed and Stede, so we will undoubtedly be seeing more of them in future episodes.
3. Izzy Is Back On The Feet And Buttons Is On The Wings
Parallel to what happened with Ed and Stede, the two new episodes followed the arcs of Izzy losing his leg and being abandoned and Buttons taking the witch's path and transfiguring into a seagull.
The crew presented Izzy with a new prosthetic leg, and now he has more respect for Stede, having become a mentor to him. As for Buttons... well, we're sure his magical journey is yet to play a role down the road.
2. Ed Makes Up With The Crew
Ed slowly came to his senses, got invited back aboard the ship, and tried to apologize to the crew for his behavior. He let Lucius throw him overboard (as atonement for what he did in Season 1). Meanwhile, while Steed debated the differences between magical and scientific thinking with the crew because everyone was convinced his new cape was cursed, Ed went fishing with Fang. He finally realized that he had never listened to his loyal friends and had been acting on selfish impulses to drown out his self-loathing and fear of loneliness.
1. Ed And Stede's Final Reunion
But, of course, the most significant moment for the narrative was Ed and Steed's conversation against the backdrop of a crescent moon, symbolizing the growth of both characters, ready to rebuild their relationship on healthier principles and to take things slowly.