15 Useless TV Characters We Honestly Could Do Without

15 Useless TV Characters We Honestly Could Do Without
Image credit: CBS, Legion-Media, globallookpress, ABC, AMC, NBC, Netflix

Keep in mind, these are the characters we could do without, not the actors - no offense meant to any talent who may be involved!

1. Dana Brody from "Homeland"

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When "Homeland" premiered, it was a hot-button thriller with a compelling premise: a returned POW who might be a double agent. However, the character of Dana Brody, the daughter of the aforementioned POW, became increasingly unnecessary as the series continued. Despite the efforts of actress Morgan Saylor, Dana's angsty, teenage melodrama felt off-tone compared to the intense political intrigue that defined the show.

When the show focused on Dana's hit-and-run accident in season 3, it felt more like a filler storyline than a plot integral to the main narrative. The audience and critics weren't impressed, resulting in the character's reduced role in the subsequent seasons.

2. Piper Chapman from "Orange is the New Black"

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It might be surprising to see the main character of "Orange is the New Black" on this list, but Piper Chapman's presence on the show became progressively less essential over time. Initially, Piper served as a relatable entry point into the unfamiliar world of a women's prison, but as the series continued, her storylines felt self-absorbed compared to the gripping tales of her fellow inmates.

Viewers and critics alike seemed more fascinated by the ensemble cast, with a Rotten Tomatoes audience score of 89% for the series' final season reflecting their preference for these diverse storylines over Piper's privileged angst.

3. Randy Pearson from "That 70's Show"

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When Topher Grace decided to leave "That 70's Show" after seven seasons, producers introduced a new character, Randy Pearson, played by Josh Meyers. However, the attempts to fill the Eric Forman-sized hole with Randy fell flat. Despite Meyers' best efforts, Randy's "nice guy" character felt bland and uninspiring compared to the more dynamic original cast.

The audience's lukewarm response to Randy was reflected in the show's IMDB rating, which dipped below 7 for the first time in its final season. Even the cast seemed to struggle with the transition – in a 2012 interview, Laura Prepon admitted that the show "wasn't the same" without Grace.

4. April Kepner from "Grey's Anatomy"

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"Grey's Anatomy" is known for its sprawling ensemble cast, but April Kepner, played by Sarah Drew, often felt like an add-on rather than a crucial part of the narrative. Introduced in the sixth season, April's initially compelling story of redemption from failure quickly devolved into repetitive relationship dramas and crises of faith.

While the show still earned high ratings during her tenure, several critics pointed out April's storylines as weak spots. However, April's departure from the show was controversial, with many fans blaming behind-the-scenes drama for Drew's exit.

5. James Hurley from "Twin Peaks"

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"James was always cool," or so says a character from "Twin Peaks". Unfortunately, many viewers disagreed. James Hurley, portrayed by James Marshall, was intended as a brooding, James Dean-esque figure, but his melodramatic love triangle plot felt superfluous in a show that focused on the mysterious death of Laura Palmer.

The character's poorly-received solo adventure in season 2 only reinforced his redundancy. The Golden Globe-nominated show's creator, David Lynch, defended the character, but even he couldn't explain why James' storyline veered so sharply away from the main plot.

6. Nikki and Paolo from "Lost"

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"Lost" was a series filled with convoluted plot lines and strange character arcs, but none felt more unnecessary than Nikki and Paolo. Introduced in the third season, these two were intended to represent the perspective of the background survivors of Oceanic Flight 815. However, viewers found them unlikable, their storylines lacking substance, and their sudden prominence felt forced. The characters were written out in the same season due to poor audience reception.

7. Priya from "The Big Bang Theory"

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Though "The Big Bang Theory" is not shy of divisive characters, Priya Koothrappali, played by Aarti Mann, is one that often gets mentioned by fans for her lack of meaningful impact. Introduced as a love interest for Leonard, she seemed to serve as an obstacle for the Leonard-Penny romance more than a character in her own right. Fans felt that her character, despite offering a potential perspective on cultural clashes, was mostly relegated to relationship drama.

8. Scrappy-Doo from "Scooby-Doo"

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Cartoons are not immune to this issue either. Scrappy-Doo, introduced in the later seasons of "Scooby-Doo," was an attempt to revitalize the show with a new character. However, Scrappy-Doo became one of the most disliked characters in cartoon history. Fans found him annoying and intrusive, with his 'puppy power' catchphrase quickly grating on nerves. The creators eventually acknowledged the audience's disdain; in the 2002 live-action movie, Scrappy was the main villain.

9. Larry Bloom from "Orange is the New Black"

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Another character from "Orange is the New Black," Larry Bloom, played by Jason Biggs, was Piper's fiancé. But much like Piper, Larry's storylines felt detached from the core narrative of life inside Litchfield Penitentiary. Larry's life outside prison and his affair with Piper's best friend, while intended to add drama, felt more distracting than engaging. The character exited the show after the second season due to mixed reactions from viewers and lack of a substantial storyline.

10. Connor from "Angel"

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The son of the titular character in "Angel," Connor, played by Vincent Kartheiser, was a controversial addition to the series. Despite the potential of his character – a human raised in a hell dimension – Connor's angst-filled storylines and constant clashes with Angel led to negative feedback from fans. His storyline involving a romantic relationship with Cordelia, a character he'd known as a mother figure, was particularly criticized.

11. Mark Brendanawicz from "Parks and Recreation"

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"Parks and Recreation" has gifted us with a slew of lovable characters, but Mark Brendanawicz isn't generally counted among them. Portrayed by Paul Schneider, Mark is a city planner whose storyline essentially revolved around dating various characters. When compared to the show's otherwise quirky and unique cast, Mark's straight-man role lacked the same charm. Schneider exited after the second season and wasn't referenced again, unlike other characters who left Pawnee.

12. Marina from "The L Word"

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"The L Word" was groundbreaking in its representation of queer women, but the character of Marina, played by Karina Lombard, felt less well-conceived. Marina's storyline was dramatic and complex, involving a secret wife and a suicidal breakdown. However, her actions often lacked a clear motive, making her difficult to empathize with or understand.

13. Betty Francis from "Mad Men"

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While "Mad Men" is a critically acclaimed show with a strong ensemble cast, Betty Francis, played by January Jones, is a character that many fans love to hate. Her icy demeanor and occasionally cruel treatment of her children make her a less sympathetic character. However, her character arc, which included weight gain due to a thyroid condition and a subsequent cancer diagnosis, often felt more like punishment than natural character development. Despite this, January Jones received an Emmy nomination for her performance, and "Mad Men" continues to be hailed as one of the best TV dramas of all time, with a 92% Rotten Tomatoes rating.

14. Ensign Kim from "Star Trek: Voyager"

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In the realm of "Star Trek: Voyager," Ensign Harry Kim, played by Garrett Wang, is often criticized for being underdeveloped and underused. Despite being part of the main cast, Kim's character never received a promotion and had fewer storyline focuses compared to other characters. Wang himself has spoken out about the frustrations he had with the character's development.

15. Dawn Summers from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is a cult classic, but Dawn Summers, Buffy's younger sister played by Michelle Trachtenberg, is a point of contention among fans. Suddenly introduced in the show's fifth season as part of a complicated plot, her character often came across as whiny and immature. Furthermore, her inclusion in the series resulted in the "everyone protects Dawn" plot that became a recurring and somewhat tiresome theme.