15 Feel-Good Comedy Series That Might Have Flown Under the Radar

15 Feel-Good Comedy Series That Might Have Flown Under the Radar
Image credit: ABC, BBC, Comedy Central, FXX, HBO, NBC, STARZ, USA Network,

Time to update that watchlist, don't you think?

1. Cougar Town

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Forget what you think you know about cougars. Jules (Courteney Cox), a 40-something divorcee, dives back into the dating pool but finds herself surrounded by 20-somethings. It's like trying to win a marathon while stumbling in heels. Yes, it has the inevitable sexual innuendos and wine; lots of wine. But the humor flows as smoothly as the pinot noir they're always sipping.

2. Trophy Wife

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The title? Misleading. Kate marries Pete, becoming his third wife and stepmom to three kids. She's no gold-digger; she's navigating a modern family minefield and its uproarious challenges. Imagine juggling a soccer ball, a science project, and a cocktail, all while wearing stilettos. It's a slapstick comedy posing as a domestic drama. Humor thrives in chaos, right?

3. Galavant

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A musical comedy – yes, you heard that right – where knights burst into song and dance? So, this knight named Galavant loses his love to a tyrannical king. Sounds tragic? Wrong! It's a laugh riot from curtain-up to curtain-down. The plot sings, dances, and pratfalls through an anachronistic medieval world. Jester cracks a joke, everyone laughs, repeat. It's Monty Python meeting Broadway, and it doesn't miss a beat. A melodious chuckle-fest if there ever was one.

4. The Tick

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Spandex alert! Superheroes get the comedic treatment they never asked for but sorely need. The Tick – big, blue, and hilariously invulnerable – swoops into The City. His goal? Eh, he'll figure it out. The series flips the caped crusader genre on its head, skewering clichés while serving up a buffet of laughs. Think of it as a comic book page where every panel is a punchline. Kapow, chortle, kapow!

10 British Comedies So Absurd They're Actually Hilarious

5. Please Like Me

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Josh realizes he's gay after his girlfriend dumps him. Simple? Not quite. Now he must navigate not just love, but also his quirky family and life's curveballs – all while being awkwardly funny. This Australian gem doesn't just deliver chuckles; it serves a three-course meal of uncomfortable scenarios, garnished with awkward laughs. The humor? Drier than an Aussie outback but way more inviting. Watch it mate, watch it!

6. Detectorists

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Metal detectors in hand, Andy and Lance comb English fields for Saxon gold. Their treasure? Mostly soda can tabs and errant coins. But let's not digress; the real gold here is the situational comedy. It's as British as it gets, laced with whimsy, dry wit, and the oh-so-English countryside. You could almost imagine Jane Austen penning a comedy; this would be it. So, fetch your Wellingtons; we're trudging through pastoral hilarity.

7. Happy Endings

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No, it's not about massages! Six Chicago friends navigate love and friendship, but don't roll your eyes just yet; this isn't Friends 2.0. Zany characters juggle jobs, breakups, and ridiculously complicated love triangles. Does Dave still have feelings for Alex, his runaway bride? It's confusing but never a bore. These chums teach you that even in the Windy City, laughter comes in breezy gusts.

8. Review

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Forrest MacNeil reviews not food or gadgets, but life itself. Skydiving? Check. Addiction? Uh-huh. The comedy is in the absurdity; his life turns into an unhinged rollercoaster, but he's too busy reviewing the ride to scream. Forrest approaches every nonsensical task with the gravity of a Shakespearean tragedy. Ever wanted to watch someone hilariously deconstruct life one task at a time? Forrest is your man.

9. Superstore

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Ah, the Cloud 9 Superstore, a retail paradise where every employee is a character, every aisle a comedy sketch. Mateo tries to hide his undocumented status, Dina is overzealous as the security officer, and Jonah, the perpetual college boy, just can't figure out life. Sounds mundane? Sure, until you realize this store has more oddities than a flea market. A supermarket sitcom that offers more than just discounts on laughs.

10. Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23

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June moves to NYC, her dream job vanishes, and she ends up rooming with Chloe, the B---- in Apartment 23. Think of this as a darker, edgier Laverne & Shirley. Chloe tries to scam June, but winds up with an unexpected friend. Morals are as bendy as cooked spaghetti here. Moral of the story? Sometimes the worst person you know is the best friend you need.

11. Enlightened

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Laura Dern's Amy suffers a public meltdown and finds enlightenment during her rehab stint. Back at work, she wants to change the world, but the world's not having it. It's a tug of war between ambition and reality, all served with comedic flair. Imagine wanting to start a revolution but getting tangled in your earphones. Yeah, that level of irony.

12. You're the Worst

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Two horrible people meet, hook up, and attempt to date. It's like Beauty and the Beast, but instead of transforming into charming princes and humble beauties, they remain unapologetically bad. Their relationship is an anti-fairytale with snarky laughs, and who says romance can't be uproarious?

13. Sirens

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Ambulance drivers: they save lives, but who's saving their sanity? Banter fills the airwaves as these EMTs crack jokes to cope with life-and-death scenarios. It's not your run-of-the-mill workplace comedy; it has sirens, for crying out loud! It's laugh-out-loud, slap-your-knee funny but also... morbid? In a good way, though.

14. Better Off Ted

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In the ivory towers of Veridian Dynamics, a tech company more soulless than a haunted house, comes Ted, our corporate knight. He navigates through red tape, morally ambiguous projects, and of course, office politics. What happens when they try to freeze Phil, a lab scientist? Hijinks! Pure, unadulterated hijinks! It's like Shakespearean comedy got injected with silicon chips and spreadsheets. Giggles in a boardroom? Oh, absolutely.

15. Party Down

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They're caterers, my friend, but not just any caterers – wannabe actors, writers, and comedians donning pink bow ties and crisp white shirts. Picture this: a ragtag group serving hors d'oeuvres at parties they'd rather be guests at. So, what's on the menu? Aspiring dreams, failed ambitions, and a sprinkle of existential crises. But let's not get too somber; the banter here is as fresh as the champagne they serve. Anyone for a side of levity?