
13 Oscar Best Picture Winners That Got a Remake Eventually

13 Oscar Best Picture Winners That Got a Remake Eventually
Image credit: Legion-Media

If it worked once, it surely will work again, right? Well, not always, as these movies prove.

Hollywood loves to play it safe, and what's safer than betting on a horse that's already won the race, right?

That's the kind of logic that led to the remake of 13 Oscar Best Picture winners, a move that seems like a no-brainer – take a film that's already got the golden statue and give it a fresh coat of paint for a new audience.

But here's the thing, sometimes that fresh coat of paint doesn't quite stick the way producers hoped it would, turning what was supposed to be a surefire hit into something that makes you wonder if they should have just left well enough alone.

It's like reheating a gourmet meal; sure, it might still be good, but it's never quite the same as that first, perfect bite.

In this trip down remake lane, we see some of these Oscar darlings getting a second chance on the big screen, but this time, they don't always sparkle with that original magic – sometimes they fizzle out, leaving us nostalgic for the original and a bit skeptical about Hollywood's 'if it worked once, it'll work again' philosophy.