
12 Box Office Bombs That Failed to Kickstart Franchises

12 Box Office Bombs That Failed to Kickstart Franchises
Image credit: Legion-Media

In the high-stakes world of blockbuster filmmaking, where every studio is hunting for the next big franchise, there lies a graveyard of movies that aimed for the stars but ended up buried in the sands of cinematic history.

These 12 box office bombs, each laden with ambition as heavy as a lead superhero cape, stumbled out of the gate, tripping over a myriad of issues ranging from behind-the-scenes drama to scripts that read like they were penned during a caffeine-induced fever dream.

They stand as cautionary tales, like Icarus with a movie camera, soaring too close to the sun with their grand franchise dreams, only to plummet back to earth, wallets first.

The tales of their failures are as varied as the genres they spanned: from special effects that promised to dazzle but delivered all the magic of a cheap fireworks display, to plots so convoluted they made quantum physics look like basic arithmetic.

Yet, in their ambitious misfires, these films offer a stark reminder of the unpredictable alchemy of cinema, where not every calculated formula results in gold and sometimes, even the most glittering of projects can turn out to be fool's gold.