
10 Must-See Oscar-Winning Fantasy Movies to Rewatch

10 Must-See Oscar-Winning Fantasy Movies to Rewatch
Image credit: Legion-Media

When it comes to Oscar-winning fantasy movies, sure, 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy might be the first to pop in your mind, with its epic battles and sweeping landscapes, but hold up, there's a whole treasure trove of other Oscar winners out there that deserve a rewatch, ones that might have slipped under your radar.

These 10 films are like hidden gems in a dragon's hoard, each one shining with its own unique magic, storytelling prowess, and visual wonder that earned them that coveted gold statuette, yet somehow, they don't always get the same spotlight as the big names.

They're the kind of films that blend imagination with the art of cinema in ways that stick with you long after the credits roll, whether it's through their inventive worlds, captivating characters, or the kind of storytelling that turns a couple of hours into a timeless adventure.

While 'The Lord of the Rings' might be your go-to for a fantasy fix, these movies are here to remind you that the world of Oscar-winning fantasy is broader and richer than you might remember.

They are offering a blend of the familiar and the not-so-familiar, perfect for those nights when you're in the mood for something a little different but still craving that touch of cinematic magic.