10 Game Of Thrones Characters With The Worst Endings To Their Arcs

10 Game Of Thrones Characters With The Worst Endings To Their Arcs
Image credit: HBO

After that disaster of a finale, we all know them, though, don't we?

In the sprawling, ruthless world of 'Game of Thrones', where every character's journey is like a walk on a tightrope above a pit of vipers, there are 10 characters whose endings were more like plunges off that tightrope, rather than the graceful dismounts we hoped for.

Each of these characters, who we followed through seasons of twists and turns, battles and betrayals, found their stories wrapping up in ways that left us more with a sense of bewilderment than satisfaction, as if the writers decided to play a game of 'how not to end a character arc'.

Their endings were a mix of rushed conclusions, left-field turns, and bewildering choices that had fans scratching their heads, wondering if parts of their stories got lost in the Westerosi mail.

These 10 characters, who once stood as towering figures in a narrative packed with intrigue and complexity, had their arcs culminate in ways that felt as mismatched as a Lannister at a Stark family reunion, making us question the journey they took us on, and reminding us that even in a show celebrated for its storytelling, not every tale finds its rightful end.