
10 End-of-the-World Films That Make 2023 Seem... Uh, Tolerable

10 End-of-the-World Films That Make 2023 Seem... Uh, Tolerable
Image credit: Legion-Media, globallookpress, BBC, Sony Pictures

Some end-of-the-world films that might make our 2023 seem just a wee bit sunnier.

1. The Road – Gray Skies, Grayer Hopes

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Post-apocalypse America, stripped of color, life, and optimism. A father and his son traverse this decaying landscape, aiming for the coast. Is there salvation there? Uncertain. Cannibals roam freely, forcing them to hide and scavenge. Their bond strengthens amidst broken dreams and memories of a departed wife/mother. In this stark narrative, survival is a victory, albeit a harrowing one.

2. Children of Men – Babies? Not on This Planet

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In 2027, humans mysteriously become infertile. Society collapses, and Britain is one of the few stable places left, albeit heavily militarized. The protagonist, Theo, stumbles upon a shock: a pregnant woman. Whispers of hope? Absolutely.

Tasked with escorting her to safety, they face rebels, the military, and chaos. Through all the noise and danger, one cry—of a newborn—signals hope.

3. Melancholia – Depression, with a Side of Doomsday

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Meet Justine and Claire, sisters with a complex relationship. Their personal turmoil mirrors the world's, with a rogue planet named Melancholia on a collision course with Earth. Will it pass? The atmosphere grows thicker with despair, mirroring Justine's crippling depression. Parties happen, relationships fracture, and the ground trembles. The impending cosmic crash is both metaphorical and terrifyingly real. In its final moments, the line between internal and external apocalypses blurs.

4. A Quiet Place – Ssshhh... They Can Hear You

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Creatures with ultra-sensitive hearing have taken over Earth. The Abbott family navigates this silent world, communicating via sign language and tiptoeing around life. Sounds simple? Nope. Life's challenges, like pregnancy, become deadly. Their tale is a crescendo of silence, with any noise possibly being their last. When push comes to scream, will silence save or doom them?

5. Snowpiercer – A Chilly Train Ride to... Where Exactly?

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The world froze after a failed climate-change experiment, but humanity persists on the Snowpiercer, a massive train circling the globe. Sounds cool, right? Think again. Class divides are evident, with the elite in luxury at the front and the impoverished suffering at the tail. Protagonist Curtis leads a revolt, aiming for the elusive engine room. Battles ensue, secrets spill, and the train's true purpose unravels. On this locomotive, the journey is indeed more important than the destination.

6. The Mist – Foggy with a Chance of Monsters

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After a violent storm, a thick mist envelops a Maine town. But what lurks within ain't your typical fog. David and his son get trapped in a supermarket with others. An outdoor venture? Fatal, thanks to nightmarish creatures hidden in the mist. Tensions rise, and humans sometimes prove deadlier than monsters. Outside, fog reigns, but inside, it's a storm of fear and fanaticism.

7. Take Shelter – Paranoid or Prophetic?

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Curtis, a regular Ohioan, has distressing dreams. Stormy apocalypse or mere nightmares? He obsessively builds a storm shelter, causing concern and alienating his community and family. The line between paranoia and premonition blurs, with viewers left guessing. Financial and emotional strain brews its own storm in his life. As clouds gather, the question looms: is Curtis wise or just losing his mind? The movie's climax is as ambiguous as his visions.

8. The Book of Eli – A Post-Apocalyptic Gospel

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Three decades after the apocalypse, Eli treks the wastelands. His prized possession? A mysterious book, sought by many, especially a tyrant named Carnegie. Battles ensue, with faith and determination driving Eli. Towns decay, but Eli's resolve remains unbroken. In the end, it's revealed Eli's been blind, and his book is the Bible—in Braille. In darkness, faith was his guiding light.

9. Threads – When the Cold War Heats Up

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This docudrama paints a chilling picture of nuclear holocaust in 1980s Britain. A nuclear strike between the US and USSR cascades globally. Sheffield, England, ain't safe, as residents soon learn. Buildings crumble, society disintegrates, and the government's control dwindles. Years pass, with survivors grappling radiation, famine, and societal collapse. Humanity's remnants lead grim lives, far from any pre-war normalcy. Threads weaves a tapestry of mankind's darkest potentials.

10. It Comes at Night – What's Knocking After Dark?

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A deadly disease decimates humanity, and Paul's family hides in a woodland home. Safety protocols? Strict. When another family seeks refuge, tensions mount. Resources are scarce, mistrust spreads faster than the virus. Paranoia permeates the night, and every knock spells potential doom. As darkness envelops, humanity's worst and best instincts collide.